

The Dialogue


Mail to Temples of Canada

Post On:April 1, 2021

This mail was sent to all Temples of Canada.
We are Dwarapalakas. You may be familiar with our work via direct or indirect communication.
As there is a growing focus of inclusion of diverse identities & faiths in developed countries like Canada, the understanding and correct representation of these diverse faiths becomes especially important. We all can agree Hinduism is one of the most diverse, rich, ancient, and multifaceted faiths. When it comes to understanding Hinduism in Canada and spreading Hindu values, temples are at the forefront of it. We represent ourselves as the followers, believers and advocates of Hinduism. In addition to that, our group represents many devotees of temples across Canada.
Dwarapalakas goal is to establish an academic communication between Hindu scholars and scholars from various faiths in Canada as well as to address the challenges that Hindus face in Canada due to their identity of being Hindus. We believe temples have a big role to play when it comes to propagating and defending Hindu values in right spirit.
We trust that Dwarapalakas and you can be effective partners in meeting our shared goals. It would be great if you could spend some time to discuss this with us. In this meeting, we can introduce our priorities and together we can establish areas where we can leverage the synergies to strengthen Hindu ecosystem in Canada.
Please let us know a suitable time and we can send you a Zoom or Google meet invite accordingly. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Dwarapalaka Team