Generosity of Pope
Post On:September 18, 2024
He was generous enough to copy it from The First Subhashitam in Kovida (4th level of sanskrit learning – Pravesha,Parichaya,Shiksha & finally Kovida.)
पिबन्ति नद्यः स्वयमेव नाम्भः स्वयं न खादन्ति फलानि वृक्षाः।
नादन्ति सस्यं खलु वारिवाहाः परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः।।
Rivers has lots of water but do not drink them,clouds bring in rains for the crops & the trees give lots of fruits but don’t eat them ,as they are for others (charity).
Paropakaram itham Shareeram
Copy from Hinduism and re-package it back to born again Hindus. Many Hindus will praise Pope while continue to finding fault with Hinduism.That’s the beauty of the Church. Plagiarism at its creative best. And in the process turn Hindus against Hindus using the knowledge of Hindus. Amen to that!