University of Toronto – Strife
Post On:November 9, 2024
Why is strife in India a subject for UT, Centre for south Asian Critical Humanities? Is UT aiding the seeds of conflict? What impact would this have on violence on streets of India?
Mizoram CM in his recent visit to USA made this statement,
“”We are one people – brothers and sisters – and we cannot afford to be divided or apart from one another. I want us to have the conviction and confidence that one day, through the strength of God, who made us a nation, we will rise together under one leadership to achieve our destiny of nationhood. While a country may have borders, a true nation transcends such limitations. We have been unjustly divided, forced to exist under three different governments in three different countries, and this is something we can never accept…”
Toronto University: Gloomy Academicians
Post On:October 26, 2024
At first glance, this books gives out an impression that UT is doing something noble and good for Hindu studies. But take a closer look to reveal the true intent!
Please note the terminology carefully: “Re-tellings,” which implies providing new interpretations. The following line states: “In this book, she argues that Vaishnavas (devotees of the Hindu god Vishnu and his various forms) throughout South Asia transformed this epic about an apocalyptic, bloody war into works of ardent bhakti or ‘devotion’ focused on the beloved Hindu deity Krishna.”.
Intentions: Her intention appears to be to dis-associate Bhakti from its context and instead emphasize the narrative of an “apocalyptic, bloody war.” This approach suggests a flawed academic perspective with a negative bias. The critique of Hinduism is subtly embedded in high sounding academic verbiage. This is intended to awe people, yet carefully crafted to impart a positive tone. However make no mistake of judgement here. The intent and content is strongly negative towards Hinduism. Hindu studies do not have apocalypse in their dictionary. You can decipher as to why that was introduced!
Misuse of Internal critique’s: Pillai’s book examines two specific references of the Mahabharata: Villiputturar’s fifteenth-century Tamil Paratam and Sabalsingh Chauhan’s seventeenth-century Bhasha (Old Hindi) Mahabharat. Both authors seem not to have presented a Bhakthi study of the Mahabharata.
But that democracy has always been a part of Hinduism. Historically, the uniqueness of Hindu studies lies in their openness to critique, from the times of ancient India. Unfortunately, this openness is often exploited by modern day academicians of questionable credibility to cast Hindu studies in a negative light. The University of Toronto has been leading this crusade against Hindu sentiments.
Time & interpretations: The limited time Hindus have to delve deeper into these texts allows some academicians to potentially manipulate or misinterpret Hindu studies. This book uses friendly words like, “Devotional retelling”. Most Hindus, (true to their nature: take the positive angle) and presume it to be a positive light. Unfortunately its not! The primary goal of this academia is to use Hindu terminology to indulge in Hindu bashing.
Bias & absence of debate: The strategy of University of Toronto all along, been to encourage authors who bring in negativity to Hindu studies. For them debate is taboo. They selectively present their biased interpretation of Hindu studies but “strictly to their flock”.
Of course they carry the flag of academic freedom high all the time. But its one way academics. We doubt if they have the academic caliber to handle counter arguments to their presentations. They panic when challenged and press the security button. And thus they succeed in shutting out any debate on their academics! They just do not seem to have the courage to face an authority on Hindu studies who present Hindu studies in a factual manner. We still do not know the reason for their motivation in diluting Hindu studies.
Mercenary Academicians! Availability of Indian author’s for a price who are willing to “re-tell stories” is a boon for foes and curse for the majority Hindus! Historically Indian’s have made themselves available to its foes at a discounted price. Does it do any good for Hindu studies in North America? Mercenary authors like Ms.Pillai on faculty at Academia in a curse for Hindu studies.
Notice how subtly their deception is played out. The title is “Krishna Mahabharatas, Devotional Retellings of an Epic narrative” The key word is “Re-tellings” What sounds as positive is actually negative big time. This deception is academic integrity at its deceptive best.
Is diluting Hindu studies a new thing? In 2019 the same department hosted a book launch titled, Yoga as the art of war. Mr.Christian Lee Novetzke & Sunila S.Kale from Washington, teamed up under the patronage of our beloved Christoph Emmrich below then. Not sure why this hero has not been snapped up by Hollywood yet! For over a decade he has been a top act in this department! Is he the key character in this Re-telling too?
Common tools of subtle Hindu hatred under the guise of Academic freedom are
1. Caste
2. Negative Hindu studies
Welcome Concordia University
Post On:October 20, 2024
We extend our heartiest welcome to Concordia University. Hindu / India bashing is gaining academic legitimacy. Quality entertainment at expense of Hindus. We cannot but admire their skills in bringing the best brains, who we are sure did a good job.
If this is to happen in a dictatorial nation / University its agreed that it can be a narrative from a single perspective. But congrats to them, they want to talk about Hindus but exclude Hindus from the event. Is that not the best example of democracy like Canada? & Is that not also the best example of academic freedom. We congratulate them but the banner speaks rightly for Canadian Hindus. The struggle for academic equality should continue.
Fresh Love from University of Toronto!
Post On:October 20, 2024
The love from University of Toronto is enduring, recurring, and all beautifully camouflaged under the banner of academic freedom. Its speaks of their dedication and commitment in this department.
But they also make sure, that anything that is non Hindu is given its due place.
Their Love is exclusive to Hindus.
You can check it below in comparison to the above.
For UT negative India – is ” Laddoo”
Post On:September 1, 2024
Rahul Mukherjee & Francis Cody (Chair), are being quite generous this time. They have the unique skill to pry out opportunities in pursuit of academic excellence.
It seems they have perfected the art of spreading hate under the guise of academic freedom.
We are quite hopeful that justice will prevail one day.
TM.Krishna-Toronto-Sponsoring Hate
Post On:April 4, 2024
Letter to the Principal
University of Toronto
Art form world-wide has genres. Opera, Rap, Rock, Country etc. If someone puts forward an argument that country singing is biased against rappers, how hollow is it and no sane artist will support that line of thought.
Thats precisely Mr. TMK is doing to Indian classical music and to validate his argument did everything dishonestly possible to demean, disrespect a much-reputed music tradition. & UT is supporting him. Will it help if I spit details here? Trust me it serves little purpose. Like you as an intellectual carnivore is going to listen to an herbivore me! Hence sparing them for a later occasion. We believe he is operating at the behest of alien forces and funded by them. University of Toronto, should not be giving him a platform, as his actions have violated multiple parameters, that include,
Promoting hatred
Encouraging plagiarism
Violating human rights
Practicing racism
We by this letter are putting this on record that in hosting him, stands guilty of abetting all of the above.I tried to reach out to security to inquire about protest protocol multiple times. While UT is providing security to a person, who has demonstrated unfiltered hate towards Hindu identity, you have successfully closed the doors for any protest thus proving that democracy for you is a fantasy term good for ” academics” but not for practice. UT has demonstrated Hindu hatred, and this is not the first time.
We understand your thought process tends to flip on its principles to sync with political winds. You may feel secure fortified by tall walls and a security establishment of yours that cannot discern. Yet history has proved that the trail of justice will eventually arrive at your doorstep! I do acknowledge that you have multiple tools at your end to deny justice!
Gopala Krishna
Looks like he is playing to empty seats. Depending on how they arrange it, The capacity of hall is around 125 people.
Pursuing a non existing Agenda
Post On:April 3, 2024
Dalits were not bought by ships into India, slaved with chains and punishment. They are native to India. The white types that slaved blacks are joining hands with modern voluntary brown academic slaves and are trying to equate two separate things as the same! That’s academic dishonestly and it seems more like business of propaganda, that comes with cheap publicity. UT seems having no qualms in abetting racism. We sent email inquiring them about the names of the 4 people pictured here.
And hey, how about this factoid below. Upper caste Brown Curry Christians refused burial grounds to lower caste Christians! The wall separates upper and lower caste Christians. They discriminate even after death. Would UTT teach in this?
Encouraging Hatred – UTT
Post On:March 31, 2024
(Picture from Dharma dispatch)
Being talented is no excuse to be rude. A person who has been disrespectful to the art, its eminent artists, is being given a platform in Toronto. Ironically it is sponsored by an org that claims to promote art. Bharathi kala Manram, that is managed by Tamil Brahmins. The management committee of that association has hadclose ties with Sringeri Vidya Bharathi Temple. That smacks of cultural corruption. While University of Toronto has never hesitated to be anti-Hindu on many past occasions. All these come together to sponsor this hateful person, taking cover under the canopy of art.
We want to give benefit of doubt that the organizers are perhaps not aware of the forces they are collaborating with, and the long term implications of this. While we respect his art, At Dwarapalakas, we oppose this hateful person and his language. If you share our sentiment and wish to support us, please email Canada offers a platform to protest in protocols that sync with Police and security requirements. Protest is recognized as freedom of speech.
UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech defines hate speech as…“any kind of communication in speech, writing or behavior, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.”
The language of the artist Mr.TM.Krishna fits the description of hate speech.
Caste is Bread & Butter for University of Toronto
Post On:March 15, 2024
Thousands of academicians in North America would be without a job if not for caste!
They owe their careers and livelihood to caste. Hope they remain grateful.
Hate Hindu & get privileged treatment
Post On:March 13, 2024
All one has to do to get privileged treatment at University of Toronto is to demonstrate hatred against anything that represents Hinduism.
Yale University Apology & University of Toronto event
Post On:February 20, 2024
Dear Supriya Gandhi,
How does it echo to your identity integrity, that while your University lays down an apology for slavery yet you are keen to present an Islamic POV that may not really be representative of your Indian identity. Have you made peace with your career in voluntary slavery? Hope you have researched the source of your university funding!
Consider de-funding Hate@University of Toronto
Post On:February 5, 2024
Attention of Dept of South Asian Studies.
Is there a role for the Indian High commission?
Post On:February 2, 2024
Notice the key words,
“Annexation of Kashmir” – Historically inaccurate!
“As the world attempts to grapple with its trajectory towards authoritarianism and a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ (Hindu State) –
This instution calls itself centre for global studies and when we try to sign up, get this message. So much for academic freedom and free speech. If you question anything, then access is denied. Like we are living under the Munk school of Taliban!
UTT after a Hiatus : Its 5000 + years..
Post On:March 8, 2023
Yes de-Hinduize Hindu literature from Hinduism!
Ms.Shara Eswar, brings in terminology of Jihad, Crusade, bombs, while describing Abhimanyu. Mr.Lawrence Switzky in one reference was gracious enough to bring in Caste! Their bonhomie on narrative & the trend was quite educative. They dig into Hindu sacred literature, “identify” victims like Ekalavya. They then propagate the victim narrative, while Hindus in general are elevated to the villian status! Ms.SE sounded desperate to tarnish ancient Hindu literature with current vocabulary and earn brownie points from her white masters. Pathetic. If she is doing a show on Mahabharatha one can expect the negative narrative!
It surely is to drive anger, and if we get angry to their provocation, we may end up giving them the attention they are desperately craving for! Note that this tamasha has secured funding from govt of Canada!
Quite an irony, one post from UTT says Mahabharatha is 2000 year old and another post claims it to be 4000 year old. For many a white academician time past 2000 years seems to be a academic blind spot!
We have the following responses from reputed Hindu academicians. Those who have spent decades in research of Sanathana Dharma scriptures, Shri Shiva Ram Babu.
This from another academician Shri Sai
This inscription on a Jain Temple, Aihole prepared by one Chalukya King Pulakeshi,
Trinshatsu Trisahasreshu Bhaaratdahavaditaha | Saptabda Shatayukteshu Gateshwabdeshu Panchasu | Panchashatasu Kalaukale Shatasu Panchashatsu cha | Samatsu Samatitasu Shakaanamapi Bhoobhujaam || ( UTT call us and we will connect you to the academician who can decipher this to you)
The concern with UTT has been the same. To exclude Hindu academicians, bring in brownie secular ones, who want to sing to colonial, evangelical, racist narratives of Hindus. For a few crumbs, I would imagine. Mr.Chindu Sreedharan seems interesting. Too early to judge though. Both from Kerala! Does it say anything?
Mohamed Lachemi of Metropolitan University
Post On:February 6, 2023
This letter is in continuation of the Kaali Poster saga..
Mr. Roopnauth of Hindu federation assured the Hindu community of the following,
” Members of the executive of Hindu federation along with members of Canada Interfaith foundation and the center for Israel and Jewish Affairs met with senior officials from the TMU and the AK Museum and apologies were issues by both organizations. Further, a process for consultation with respect to such issues in the future was established.”
We find it reprehensible that such an apology of that nature was even accepted by Mr. Roopnauth and team! And adding fine quality salt to Hindu wounds you went ahead with the screening of the film? Makes us wonder where did the sincerity in your apology to Mr. Jayaraman vanish?
Now we come back to your letter.
1- In your first para you conveniently ignored the fact that this offends the religious sensitives of Hindus. Quite dismissive!
2- Your second para sounds seemingly ignorant that insults your academic credentials. So, if Ms.Makimekalai makes a movie poster depicting Jesus or Allah as smoking will you screen it? Will that fulfill the mandate of MT to society? And not to ignore all those lovely words you choose to expound to us before that line?
3- On the same subject of threats, she went for it. She knows that Hindus only issue threats but do not execute them. She knows this little stunt will earn her ” manufactured sympathy” and secure herself a footing and that is exactly what happened. Is she now not a resident artist at MT? We know the history!
4- Your third para in conjunction with 2nd para sounds oxy-moronish. Did you say that she is not a TMU student yet wants to claim the privilege of academic freedom to a non-faculty member?
5- The tone and delivery of your apology sounded advisory in nature and bordering on being contempt towards Hindus.
I do not wish to discount your intelligence by taking a detour over the core issue. This poster offends religious sentiments. Being from an Abrahamic religion, yourself, and an academician I do not think that you are ignorant to acts around Charlie Hebdo or Salman Rushdie. Hindus have no such history in North America and are not capable of such acts as well. You played a active role in this saga. You knew fully well that the bogey of Hindu threats was cosmetic in nature. It was done with career objectives and with ulterior motives to demean and insult Hindus of Canada.
The biggest concern here is two fold
a) Its impact on Hindu students at Metropolitan university. You by screening the film have demonstrated bias against Hindus. We are quite concerned that biased faculty of MT will take your lead to corner, humiliate and dis-respect Hindu students of MT.
b) That your encouragement to Ms.Manimekalai will open the gates for further Hindu phobia disguised under the cover of art and academic freedom.
Please provide us with a copy of, ” a process for consultation with respect to such issues in the future was established” that Mr. Roopnauth graciously wrote about. And AKM, please provide us with a copy of the mysterious letter of apology that was referred to above!
Mr. Mohamed Lachemi, please answer the following questions
1) Why did you permit the screening of the film after an apology was issued?
2) Was the screening discussed with Mr. Roopnauth & Hindu federation?
3) Please provide proof of Ms.Makimekalai being threatened in Canada. We really wish to address that.
3) What measures are you taking to avoid backlash on Hindu students at MT?
We believe you are in your 2nd term as president of MT, and acknowledging its bad history of residential schools, the name Ryerson has been dumped for MT. Borrowing your words, should we hope that your actions will be in the spirit of transparency, fair play & mutual respect?
Would you propound discrimination in being respectful to all religion’s Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic? Your actions as of now have caused trauma and consumed tens of hours of our time in planning and preparing counter responses. We will await your response!
Gopala Krishna
Director – Dwarapalakas
Can you Handle Pun Mr.Christoph Emmrich?
Post On:July 31, 2022
Hello Mr.Christoph Emmrich,
Trust you are doing well and while neither of us are strangers to each other I am sure you can handle some pun!
Was waiting on you to see you host a “academic event” in support of the freedom convoy. Wonder why you did not do that! The parallels between New Delhi and Ottawa are similar aren’t they? Siege, invasion, rough hand protest and all in the name of democracy.
You did disappoint me when you did not organize a event in support of freedom convoy at UTT. Comparatively you were gracious and quick enough to do so when such a protest happened in distant India! To the disappointment of people who praise Modi ji, the PM of India did not impose emergency and let the protest moment linger for a one full year.
However our Prime Minister the right Honorable Mr. Justin Pierre James Trudeau acted quick and imposed emergency laws. Since it was discussed in media, were you sir petrified that your passport will be revoked or driver license cancelled? If that be the case are you compromising on academic freedom? Then perhaps I am within my purview to assume that it could be one of the reasons you did not host a meet in support of freedom convoy?
Surely you demonstrated remarkable resilience in defending academic freedom when it comes to baiting India & Hindus! Not sure when you retire but before that happens, hoping to see some hatred free Hindu friendly events at your dept in UTT!!
Gopala Krishna
University of Toronto – Campus security
Post On:July 31, 2022
University of Toronto Campus Safety
Special Constable Service
21 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON,M5S 1J6
Hello Mr. Michael,
We refer to this report
Ms. Kristyn Ply’s quoted campus security and I believe you said, “sending an Online Uber card was a mechanism to obtain personal address info”!
Did you say that? I do not believe any professional security would say that. If you did really do so, wish to read the protocols of Campus security from your handbook. Considering this age of online world, and living in a developed nation like Canada, if your team made suggestion, it would be, perhaps the most tight-lipped security response ever.
Before attributing things to you, wish to have a official clarification your position. Wish to hear from your direct as I discount Ms. Kristyn Ply’s version. With all due respect, and having had the pleasure of looking at her “performance” on national TV, the consensus in the minds of Hindus of Canada was that she is in the right University but perhaps wrong dept. She would shine well in theatre or drama. Natural! & Multi-talented!
Looking forward to hearing the truth from a professional security establishment like yours!
Gopala Krishna
Ms.Aarti Dhand – University of Toronto
Post On:July 31, 2022
Hi Ms.Arti,
This is in reference to your statement in a recent article on CBC. Wish to first ask if you said the following as reported by CBC reporter Lisa Xing? “For Arti Dhand, an associate professor at the University of Toronto’s religious studies department, specializing in South Asian religions, including Hinduism, seeing the poster was a little bit personally jarring, but not in a terribly offensive way.”
If that is accurate kindly answer the following questions,
a) When that poster has offended a billion Hindus why would you say that its not offensive?
b) If you stand by that then we wish to know in what capacity did you say that line? As a academic or Are you speaking on behalf of UTT or in your individual capacity?
d) We see you teach Hindu epics. do u see them from a religious perspective, mythology, or history?
d) Are you a practicing Hindu? To which sampradaya do you belong to?
e) Did you speak to any Hindu religious leaders of Canada before releasing that statement.
You statement as above to CBC stands to dilute the concerns of Hindus of Canada and offends / violates our religious space. It almost sounds like you are fueling the forces that have demonstrated un-inhibited hatred towards Hindus in Canada. Its borderline Hindu Phobia.
I guess you are civil enough to respond. That’s the belief and hope!
Gopala Krishna
Director – Dwarapalakas
& Her academic quality response:( she has not answered any questions but instead sent a political letter, that is more of a emotional outburst of a academically compromised person!)
This was her response!
Mr. Krishna,
I have not read the article, nor do I wish to, but the word “personally” should have indicated to you that (as I told the reporter), while I can completely understand and respect why some Hindus are offended, I PERSONALLY found the image mostly jarring.
Please do not presume to tell me who or what I am, and what is my relationship to Hinduism. Regardless of your claim to being its self-designated “gatekeeper”, you do not own Hinduism. You do not speak for all Hindus. And you are by no means the singular voice of a very diverse tradition that has thrived and evolved over millennia.
I have immense love, admiration, and respect for Hindu wisdom. Your efforts to police people’s thoughts and expressions, coupled with needlessly extreme and hyperbolic language, only do it a disservice.
I would hope that you are civil enough to refrain from ascribing characterizations and motives to people you do not know. Please do not contact me again.
Our mailer to Dept of Religion on 6th August:
We request readers to see the tone and content of her reply! I did not accuse here, just asked a few questions. Instead of responding to questions she responds to personal attacks, like a politician yet claims to be an academic! This is the quality of academicians at UTT. And she in the true spirit of democracy and free speech, advises me not to contact her again. So much for free speech! Dear Mr.Arti we are not desperate to contact you, never did earlier, but reserve the right to ask you questions involving Public propriety. Contrary to your autocratic nature, you still do not have any right to stop us from doing so!
University of Toronto – Ombudsman
Post On:April 9, 2022
Hello Ms.Cindy,
Good day and trust you are still in charge at this office. I did share our concerns with UTM Equity, Diversity & Inclusion office via multiple emails with no response. Not sure if they are qualified to address this case. The key concern I am writing is the “ HINDU PHOBIA” on UTT/M.
To give you a preview of the case, kindly refer to these two links
As you know we have been trying to reach out to UTT for over two years and their inhibition for dialogue is the reason for the current escalation.We believe that dialogue is a solution for peace and not sure if UTT believes in that.
In the absence of any response from UTT, I request your intervention as the Ombudsman to set up a platform for peace.
Gopala Krishna
Invitation to Peel Police
Post On:April 9, 2022
I am inviting peel police for a serious discussion on Hindu phobia at University of Toronto, Mississauga Unit. This pertains to the conference that was sponsored by the University titled, “Dismantling Hindutva”!!
University of Toronto & Academics interpreting truth!
Post On:April 7, 2022
This is Gopala Krishna and am thankful to Ms.Kristin Plys for validating key concerns pertaining to Hindu studies and Hindu Phobia at UTM.
She mentioned on Camera,
a) That I accused her of being a Taliban sympathizer!
b) That I threatened her by using the term “back yard”
c) That I sent multiple Uber gift lunch cards ( as in plural)
d) That some line was crossed
e) That I sent multiple emails
To answer her,
a) Never said those words! Re-read my original letter to her below! If she has comprehension issues she can sign up for ESL classes!
b) By back yard, It meant observing UTM’s Hindu phobia from here and not distant India. People from India asked me the same, “we are far away and cannot monitor it. I am in Toronto and in the backyard of UTT and I have a greater responsibility to monitor it. It ends there!!
c) I sent only ONE lunch card. Not multiple Uber lunch cards. Check original letter again. (Need to talk to campus security on this. If she false complained Plural, then campus security is withing its rights to that interpretation that generated the false reporting at CBC)
d) Every Hindu group of Canada is aware of the contempt in language of letters sent out by UTT/M on this subject. That single card Uber card was to gain your attention and it did. Thank you. Nothing more to it from my side & least interested in anything else. (And I am spending my hard earned money for your chicken dinner!!) Really curious to know details of the mysterious line that was crossed. It sounds more like a figment of her panic button imagination!
e) Is sending emails a crime? Are we in Canada or what? How many btw were sent??
Two lies in a row that too on National TV. That is validation of Hindu concerns. If a UTM academic can be brazen enough to do this on national Tv imagine the kind of viciousness that is unleashed against Hinduism towards anything Hindu, Hindu studies and Hindu related conferences in the privacy of campus walls and away from public glare! Look at the injustice towards Hindu studies. And our battle is against that dis-honesty not against any individual academic. And that battle will continue.
Can understand the journalistic fervor of CBC to find a fall guy of me. To highlight,
1) Before my talk came a protest was shown. I did not participate in that protest as I disagreed with the organizers approach,
2) After my talk it was told many other academics were threatened: Who me? Thanks for the joke CBC!
3) It was flattering to see me and Indian PM Modi being “framed” in the same segment!! Editspeak – did u get it? However I differ with his approach on many things.So thanks but no thanks!
All and any communication to UTM or other academics was done in public domain on this same page. Posted on website right away. Nothing to hide or be defensive about it. Nothing to lose sleep about! Peel Police can contact me by phone/ email or in person. Phone number and address is listed on home page of this website. Its time Police should take a serious look at what is happening under the banner of academic freedom. I welcome them for a serious talk on growing Hindu Phobia at UTM!! They are here to protect me as well. Not just the rich and powerful academics at UTM!
But to their credit CBC (though it could not resist editing theatrics) conveyed the message of either side. Congrats to them in edits to the core content” For example though Kristyn Plys said Uber lunch cards in Plural, CBC was careful enough to say it in singular. Appreciate this commitment to true words. But wait, will present my final review after the print, radio and web version!
Ms.Judy Trinh was cool as a cucumber reporter. She did her job as a journalist better than what Ms.Kristyn Plys is doing as a academic. In this report Ms.Judy Trinh presented it from the academics perspective and put Hindus the dock. In her next report she should look at it from Hindu perspective and put academics on the dock. Hindu Phobia is real, alive and kicking at few Universities in Canada! The sooner she does that report the better would it be.
The battle here is against the academic dishonestly and Hindu phobia at sections of UTT/M. They initiated this battle, and with immense firepower and financial resources they remain the Goliath here. I am the David here to speak UTM language. This battle will take time and toll on me, But Dharma is on my side and I will win the battle. No doubts on that. “धर्मो रक्षति रक्षित:”
Proud to conclude this note with the greeting of Jai Shree Hanuman!!
Hindu Gods as a tool for academic advancement
Post On:January 15, 2022
By Gopala Krishna
This is the observations on the Book launch event at UT on 14th Jan 2022. Today is the Hindu festival of Pongal in south India. It is also celebrated across India as Makara Sankranthi, Sankranthi, Uttarayana, Magh Bihu/Bhogali Bihu. Is it interesting that UTT makes use of such religiously important days to indulge in their favorite hit job? “Hindu bashing”?
Wish we can say, the event was free of bias, wish we can say it had a pro Hindu agenda, wish we can say that brown academics were able to hold their self respect and dignity. I was not paid either to attend the meet or write this brief article. But truly amazed at tens of academics splurging time and a torrent of complex sounding English vocabulary, and with due respects to their combined ability to Camouflage it, the bias just refuses to remain anonymous. Thanks to their indulgence. The lady of the event Ms.Karji Jain said something like this, “large statues are a identity of Brahmin hegemony”. Something struck me at that moment. That after years of sounding righteous about it, UT dept of Hindu studies is finally embracing caste. In almost all of their work either of the terms are splurged – Brahmin – Caste. Welcome to the family.
Behind the innocuous book launch, was a cascade of “objectives”. Hindu activists and leaders of Toronto have little clue of the treacherous walls of bias that are under construction at UT. As for Prof Christoph Emmrich, with his curly locks, charismatic face, and with his adobe color profile code #FBE1C0, all he has to do is to smile-request it, “Brown servitude is delivered in royal obeisance # Kajri Jain”. Refraining to either write about her book or comment further on that but suffice to say the Hindu gods & thinking do provide platform for democracy of religions. Even if you abuse them, they are providing you blessings to enhance your careers!!
Happy to see focused activity at UT
Post On:January 13, 2022
At DH conference, UT “advised” us to attend the conference and challenge them. we tried that at “tractors tents and trollies event” and they gave us a very warm reception in truest sense of campus democracy and freedom of speech.
Now this, we did register and let’s see in action the fascistic obsession with Hindutva, and resultant graciousness of heart by Munk school,
UT fascination for Marxism!
Post On:November 28, 2021
The following were participants in the short announced, quick executed workshop.
Waqas Butt
Umaina Miraj
Shivaji Mukherjee
Kanishka Goonewardena
Ajay Rao
Himani Bannerji
Salman Haider
Ayyaz Mallick.
True to its current style, its a brown faced event backed and supervised by a white Ms.Kristyn Plys. Why Blame Ms.kristyn Plys when a whole flock of brown sheep are excited at her being their pied piper?
So it sounds like the organizers want to promote Marxism in South Asia. However romantically packaged and presented, the goal of marxism has been to capture power by triggering public concerns. A classic example is much closer home, the Marxist party of Canada.
In the pursuit of power, human life is just a number. Our beloved Washington post says, Marxism killed 100 million people,
Now lets look at the workshop in relation to Canada. Would UT demonstrate similar excitement at the prospect of Marxism in Canada? Professor John H.Munro in, says, “please do not ask me to defend any of the following principles of Marxian economics, since I do not believe in them..”
Globe and mail in its article titled, “Academic extremism comes to Canada” says, “The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists…”
Would be happy to know Ms.Kristyn plys views on this, Perhaps she was a party to shut down the initiative of Prof Jordan Peterson!!
Ontario Premier Mr.Doug Ford referred to them as “Crazy Marxist nonsense student unions”
Congrats for yet another successful workshop Ms. Kristyn Plys. Its obvious you want to be the celebrity academician reviving the colonial approach to influence brown thinking. But in the process you might be pushing UT in having blood on its hands.The million dollar question to Ms.Kristyn Plys and her flock of brown academia is this, Is UT heading towards protecting its campuses from Marxist ideology and Canada from Marxist bloodshed while promoting the same on South Asian Soil? The goal of the workshop in their own words is this,
A few references on Marxist influenced violence,
Do not believe the brown academia in this workshop have a say of their own, hence you cannot respond to this but ponder, ” what is the impact of such workshops in promoting immediate to future violence on the streets of South Asia! Urge you to work to earn some respect from the South Asian diaspora of Canada.
Ps: Ms.Kristyn you are yet to cash the 25 $ Uber lunch card.
Another feather in cap of UT!
Post On:November 18, 2021
By Gopala Krishna
Nothing here to loose sleep about or write elaborately here.The images are self explanatory and the nature of the cast is not unfamiliar, nor is the narrative. Congrats Centre for South Asian Civilizations. The organizers are in camouflage as No Individual names are mentioned. Registered for the event, and the host did not let me in the zoom meet. Isin’t that funny? If they are soo confident of their purpose why should they be petrified of free speech. Sounds like a hatchet job with connivance of and UT, dept of south Asian studies has demonstrated yet another example of systemic bias.
First they denied entry and when attempted again, got this message. You guys are pretty amusing.
Photo by: Himanshu Dua IG @roundearthsquarepictures
Group of 14 – University of Toronto
Post On:October 25, 2021
To the attention of,
Sarah Richardson, Shivaji Mukherjee, Julie Vig, J. Barton Scott, Naisargi N. Dave, Kanishka Goonewardena, Francis Cody, Kristin Plys, Bhavani Raman, Ajay Rao, Kajri Jain, Radhika Mongia, Alissa Trotz, Malavika Kasturi,
You are signatories number, 91, 207,208,230,266,270,581,588,589. 592,622,638,827 & 850.
You 14 were signatories in support of “Dismantling Global Hindutva” conference. In fact Ms.Kristin Plys in her communication stated clearly that the conference was not about Hinduism. We now draw your attention to the conference video above. Ms.Rupa Viswanathan has called for Dismantling Hinduism.
You signing in support of conference in name of academic freedom stands questioned. Before attributing motives to your action we wish to ask you if you signed up consciously or were u signing up in a spirit of “fellow-hood” Btw group of 14 is not a slur, its like G-8 or G-20 and not like the Chinese gang of 4!
Our letter in August to Ms.Kristin Plys, and our wait and act policy validates our approach to your action and its potential implications of you being a signatory in support of the conference. Her respect for the intellect of Hindus is a interesting call of action for us. It was a well coordinated conference though, white back end and brown front end. Congrats!
Looks like Ms.Kristyn Plys has not yet cashed the Uber lunch card we sent in response to her mail response,
We really do not believe the group of 14 has the moral strength to engage in a debate with us. Lets wait for the appropriate platform!
Best Wishes
Gopala Krishna
Dwarapalaka Team – Toronto
Ms.Kristin Plys – University of Toronto
Post On:October 24, 2021
Letter sent on 24th August 2021,
Hello Prof Kristin Plys,
Sub: Dismantling Hindutva Conference!
With all due respects, we are not here to discuss your ignorance on Hinduism / Hindutva.
The conference that you are promoting and its promo cards fit the description of hate speech. One example is that It borrows past visuals of 9/11 Islamic terrorist attack and applies it to validate its current hate narrative. To visually and subliminally suggest of a potential attack of that nature by Hindus. Peel police has confirmed that any kind of hate speech is not tolerated. We are sending them our full report on this conference. You are not entitled to receive that full complaint copy because complex things may perhaps be beyond the realm of “copy-paste-reply” academician like you.
We are in you backyard. Bet you are not even aware of the political factors oscillating between UTM & UTT!! Love your contempt! Your copy paste response to fellow Hindu groups, raises suspicion if we are even talking to the calibre of UTM & in Canada here? Perhaps you may be better off to organize a conference in collaboration with either Karachi or Kabul university. You may discover the sync that you are yearning for! Or you may find bonhomie with some newly elected Taliban academicians.
Brace! You are now obliged. If you decide to go ahead with your sponsoring of that conference, you would be opening the doors for future conference of the nature,
-Dismantling Jihadis: as its not the same as Islam
-Dismantling Evangelicals : as its not the same as Christianity
-Dismantling Khalistanis : as its not the same as Sikhs
If we challenge you to present yourself for a zoom chat on this, you and its ilk will probably chicken it out. Hence sending you a Uber lunch card for $ 25.00. Please order a budget favorite chicken dinner of your choice for yourself!!
We feel that you seem be one of the many western academicians who seem to make their career, Bread, butter and bacon out of India research and Hindu baiting!! Stay thankful! & We are aware that Its beyond your pay grade to disassociate UTM from this conference!
Gopala Krishna – Director
Dwarapalaka Team
Registered Not for Profit – Canada
Hindu “friendly” activity at Toronto University
Post On:September 4, 2021
This film “depicts” how “evil” Hindu men were in protecting the honor of Hindu women in India. Someone invested money, energy and production time. Its a fine production albeit with a agenda. And our lovely UTT found time to screen it. We can dissect the movie scene by scene for Hindu hatred!
The west during it cold war fought against Marxism for well over half a century, and yet UTT hosts a event in favour of it. Mind you, UTT is promoting Marxism not in Canada but in distant India. Was Marxism free of violence? does it wish to promote Marxism in Canadian soil?
UTT love for Marxism and its violent life style in India while blaming Hindus for that!
Mail to Distinguished faculty of Canada
Post On:April 1, 2021
Faculty of a select list of Universities of Canada received this mail:
I hope this email finds you well. We take great pleasure in reaching out to you as you are one of the few academicians in Canada who chose Hinduism as your area of research and teaching. Our motivation behind writing to intellectuals like yourself is the series of events happening in North American Universities i.e., University of Toronto.
Historically there is a general sense of interest in Hinduism, due to its vast diversity and rich texts that go into the realm of philosophy, Vedanta. Intrinsically Hindus of Canada, like Hindus worldwide, do not claim strong ownership of their rich legacy and that open up the doors for others to take supervisory control. It is welcomed as more people get to learn the theological validity of Hinduism. However, the very nature of its richness, seem to trigger insecurity among non-Hindu theologians and academicians, who then bring in distortions or make attempts to undermine its richness under the canopy of academic freedom.
From Wendy Doniger to Audrey Hushkey, there seems to be an evolving list of current and aspiring academicians who in our opinion subscribe to this school of thought. For example, In Toronto, there is a lot of buzz around Mr. Ajay Rao. The authority of the faculty on deciding student’s future, can potentially stifles freedom of expression by students.
While academic freedom is the foundation of free thinking, it is imperative that interpretations of Hindu texts remain true to the core significance of those rich writings. Since Hinduism is key to your academic research, we invite you to share your views on this subject.
Our goal is to ensure that Universities of Canada remain one of the best in the world that encourage top class academic work and also provide the best learning environment for students of Hindu studies. We believe academicians can play a pivotal role in sharing their learnings from rich Hindu texts in right spirit so that we can all work towards making this world a better place and a close family, something Hinduism stands for.
Signed The Dwarapalaka Team
Rutgers community & Dr. Audrey Truschke
Post On:March 28, 2021
By Avinash Kumar & The Dwarapalaka Team
On the 17th of March, a letter addressed to Rutgers University, caught our attention. The letter was written by an ‘army’ of academicians in support of Audrey Truschke, in her crusade against Hindu students of Rutgers.
Below, we take the effort and time to decipher the letter for the benefit of the reader and hope, that he/she also sees through this irony of claims made in their letter. We start off by assuring the Hindu Students of Rutgers that, we fully support you and you are welcome to reach out to us anytime.
The Letter: We write, as faculty of South Asian origin at Rutgers, with colleagues at other universities co-signing, to add our voices to that of Rutgers administrators in unreserved support of our colleague Dr. Audrey Truschke. We are encouraged by their defense of the principle of academic freedom and the practice of critical inquiry, which are essential to the work that we do both as scholars and teachers and should be guarded against political pressure.
Analysis: It sounds like the faculty is rushing headlong to defend one of their own, without the slightest consideration for the religious sensitivities and faith of their students. We applaud Rutgers University administration for resisting the political pressure exerted by faculty themselves and for showing a willingness to listen and understand the perspective of Hindu students.
The Letter: We also echo their call for the threats against Dr.Truschke and her family and the attacks that have targeted her on the basis of race and gender, often viciously and hatefully, to stop. As scholars from a wide range of faith backgrounds, including Hinduism, we understand in deep and personal ways what it means to occupy the position of minority in the United States. Many of us are also immigrants or the children of immigrants as well as racialized minorities.
Analysis: The signatories to the letter, are attempting to generate sympathy and are drawing attention to only the hatred directed against Truschke by internet trolls. Ironically they chose to ignore completely, the Hinduphobic attacks on Hindu students on Rutgers campus, a result of Truschke’s vitriol against Hinduism [1]. The signatories are fully aware, that Truschke has stepped out of line to campaign against the faith of her students, those students who still have the reverence for the faith of their ancestors. We condemn any form of threat and abuse against Audrey Truschke, as well as the emotional trauma inflicted upon the Hindu students, who are defending their right to practice their faith without prejudice.
The Letter: We will fight staunchly for safe spaces for all of our students to express their faiths and identities. It is part of our calling. It is also part of our calling to examine critically the social and political forces shaping our globe and to provide students with the analytical tools to do the same, as they see fit. The two missions are reconcilable: students can be safe and supported in their identities and intellectually challenged at the same time.
Analysis: This is quite interesting. How is the faculty fighting for safe spaces for Hindu students by discounting the students’ pain? When Truschke calls Shri Rama, “a misogynist pig”, is she examining sociopolitical factors or forcing her ill-formed opinions down students’ throats? It is more like Truschke was experimenting in her Hinduphobic laboratory on unsuspecting Hindu students. Hindu students do not agree with the faculty on the efficacy of the so-called analytical tools. Nor do they agree with the reconcilability of the faculty’s call of duty and the safe practice of Hinduism on campus.
Hinduphobia, Hindu studies & safe practice of Hinduism are not reconcilable. It is conflict driven approach. And the resultant flare up compelled Rutgers administration involvement and apology. This letter by the diverse faculty is pushing the conflict agenda as it gives the impression that the faculty are ganging up against students. That is a fall in the direction of disgrace and sounds like its designed to intimidate the freedom of expression of Hindu students on potential future issues.
The irony of contradiction is hilarious. While the signatories seem to be issuing veiled threats to the Rutgers administration, they want us to believe, that they will work for the safety of students. As ludicrous as it sounds, what they are saying though is, If the Hindu students peddle the faculty narrative, reeking of Hindu hatred, they are safe. And like icing on irony, to this narrative, the faculty, ascribe a noble and higher calling.
The Letter: We insist that a critical examination of Hindutva, a political ideology, is not the same thing as Hindu-phobia. Dr. Truschke’s critique of the former rests on its majoritarian expression in India, in ways that threaten the safety, security, and equality of Muslims and other minorities. Her public scholarship resists the use of history and religious texts to accomplish those ends.
Analysis:While we encourage critical examination, we insist that it should encompass a neutral and comprehensive interpretation of history. The expression of Hindu faith has both, in history and in present times, stood for the safety, security and equality of the minorities, even when it was detrimental to the interests of the Hindu faith.Their differentiation of Hindutva and Hinduphobia needs deeper research.
This is more a battle of Hindu self-respect and the expression of Hinduism. And We call upon the faculty to cast aside colonial perspectives on Hinduism and look at it from the fresh perspective of a native immersive practice. We condemn any mechanism that restricts the freedom of expression of students.
The Letter:This pursuit points to a desire to uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We have every confidence in Dr. Truschke’s respect for Hindus and Hinduism and its compatibility with a critique of Hindu nationalism as a social and political enterprise. We applaud Rutgers leadership in their defense of Dr. Truschke and their commitment to diversity and offer our solidarity in their steadfast support of both.
Analysis: We question the academic honesty of the signatories below, on this section. Because Audrey Truschke in her work and speech has acted in malefic and insidiousness towards the Hindu students of Rutgers and the Hindu community. Her statements and actions have resulted in unsafe spaces for Hindus on university campuses. In fact Trushke should be held accountable for creating a hostile and negative environment at Rutgers.
The faculty’s letter of support, points to a desire to uphold their narrative of Hindutva as a smoke screen to their Hinduphobia. Audrey Truschke must do a lot more to demonstrate that she indeed respects Hindus and Hinduism. Congratulations to Rutgers administration. We hope your spirit of good faith will motivate generations of Hindu students.
We understand the balance of power card on campuses. Most of these signatories think that they are on the pay roll of colonial thinking. We understand their fragile mind that is barely recovering from colonial subjugation. We understand their yearning to be re-colonized, But Rutgers by their apology have proven to the world the white mind is perhaps moving away from their colonial habits.
Hence It’s a opportunity for the signatories to discard psychological colonial shackles and imbibe values of the Guru-Shishya traditions which is the only way of objectively studying Hindu theological, cultural, and historical concepts.Being honest to themselves and embracing the Guru-Shishya traditions, will bring them true intellectual respect, that they yearn for.
Thanks to their letter we now know our “friends” of Hindu students!
From Rutgers – Newark:
Gaiutra Bahadur, Manu Samriti Chander, Sadia Abbas, Akil Kumarasamy,
Johan Mathew, Karishma Desai, Mukti Lakhi Mangharam, Anand Sarwate,
Jasbir Puar, Anjali Nerlekar, Preetha Mani,Deepa Kumar, Sarada Balagopalan,
From Other Universities:
Rajmohan Gandhi: University of Illinois
Partha Chatterjee: Columbia University Sheld
Akeel Bilgrami & Sidney Morgenbesser : Columbia University
John Stratton Hawley: Barnard College
Gyan Prakash, Dayton: Princeton University
David Lelyveld: William Paterson University
David Ludden: New York University
Dina Siddiqi, Clinical Associate Professor,
Romila Thapar: Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Siddhartha Deb: The New School for Social Research
Amitava Kumar: Vassar College
Suketu Mehta: New York University
Vijay Iyer: Harvard University
Sunil Amrith,Renu and Anand Dhawan: Yale University
Maya Jasanoff, X.D. and Nancy Yang: Harvard University
Yogita Goyal: UCLA
Sana Aiyar: MIT
Rohit De: Yale University
Zahid R. Chaudhary: Princeton University
Sangeeta Kamat: UMASS Amherst
Biju Mathew: Rider University, NJ
Purnima Dhavan: University of Washington
Supriya Gandhi: Yale University
Chinnaiah Jangam: Carleton University, Canada
Rajeev Kinra: North Western University
Dheepa Sundaram: University of Denver
Ajay Rao: University of Toronto
Vinayak Chaturvedi: University of California at Irvine
Dohra Ahmad: St. John’s University
Bhakti Shringarpure: University of Connecticut (Storrs)
Ashwini Tambe: University of Maryland
Angana Chatterji: University of California, Berkeley
Marina Budhos: William Paterson University
Rupal Oza: Hunter College
Manan Desai: University of Michigan
Raza Rumi: Ithaca College
Divya Cherian: Princeton University
Rupa Pillai: University of Pennsylvania
Raza Mir: William Paterson University
Prasad Tadepalli: Oregon State University
V.V. Ganeshananthan: Minnesota
Inderpal Grewal: Yale University
Monisha Bajaj: University of San Francisco
Sharmila Sen: Harvard University Press
Sumita Chakraborty: University of Michigan
Sangeeta Ray: University of Maryland
Neilesh Bose: University of Victoria
Roopika Risam: Salem State University
Nilanjana Bhattacharjya: Arizona State University
Neha Vora: Lafayette College
Ambereen Dadabhoy: Harvey Mudd College
Sruti Bala: University of Amsterdam
Kiran Asher: University of Massachusettsat
Ritty Lukose: New York University-GallatinSchool
Paula Chakravartty: New York University
Tejaswini Ganti: New York University
Jinee Lokaneeta: Drew University
Arjun Appadurai: New York University
Natasha Raheja:
Twitter release 1:
” 72 Academicians, mostly of Indian origin, working at North American Universities, write a letter in support of a white academician who has a fetish for hurting Indian sentiments” Deja Vu voluntary drift towards academic colonialism.
Twitter release 2:
” The message she is giving out is, that only whites have the right of scholarship on Ancient cultures. Hindus should have gone extinct, but they haven’t and are challenging the white scholarship. So she will use any means at her disposal to discredit Hindus.”
[1] References to Audrey Truschcke’s Work!!
Wish to ask the above academicians of their thoughts on this below
Making of a JNU in Toronto
Post On:February 14, 2021
Canadian academic centres offer a freedom of expression and a platform for healthy communication. But like is many democratic institutions of the world as vocal minority takes over the placid majority. And the information thus presented is passed off a the voice of the majority. The fact is majority is peace loving, and that is being challenged. Presenting another such example of vocal minority altering facts to suit their convenience by bullying the concept of “freedom of expression” However there was a very balanced and mature response by Hindu students at the campus who addressed this issue. Congrats to the young Hindu students for a very professional response.
Intense “Academic work” at University of Toronto
Post On:January 30, 2021
Department of South Asian studies has been active and in collaboration with Munk school released this. Sounds like intense work and needs hours of study to decipher the core message. We do have pointers though, Mr.Reid Locklin of Munk school proudly claims the badge of a evangelist and Mr.Christoph Emmrich, has “organized” good number of Hindu / India related events, if you know what we mean.
The drift away from academics
Post On:January 29, 2021
Something is happening at Toronto University. It seems to present just one side of “every story” it chooses to blend into academics. The content sounds more like a poster of rebellion, and misleading. Wonder what are the protocols that UT follows before approving events under its banner! “UPRISING”? Surprisingly naïve! UFT currently still has the reputation of the Top universities of the world. Hope it stays that way.
But oops.. they missed this picture.. the other side of the story,
Academic “Poralis”of Universities of Toronto & Harvard?
Post On:January 15, 2021
Review and report on the e-meet on 14th Jan, about Caste, meritocracy & social life / IIT Chennai: Organized by University of Toronto, Centre for south Asian studies. Poralis is a Tamil term referring to rebels and fighters: On the streets of Tamilnadu, & in today’s world it also means anarchist.”
By Gopala Krishna.
Bhavani Raman opened the meet by greeting all viewers a happy Pongal, the first festival of India which is celebrated across India in various names. It was announced that they are going to talk about IIT Chennai. Ajantha Subramaniam set the tone by reading out from the suicide note of Mr. Rohit Vemula, who committed suicide on a totally different campus that was 625 Kilometers apart.
And she got it started. “Brahmin bashing” how Brahmins occupied the centres of learning using a variety of tools of intellect. Traced a few examples to fit into her narrative agenda. Blended it with Dravidian politics. It was tirade of anti-Brahmanism with sprinkling of occasional academic terminology, but her intent and direction of conversation was not lost on anyone.
Then jumped in the Moderator Mr. Chinniah Jangam. He was as excited as a kid tasting the first candy of his life. It sounded like that he discovered in Ajantha Subramaniam a academic ally, who echoes his thought process. In his excitement, he lost track of his role as a moderator and time, and all the themed vocabulary came gushing out in a torrent. Hindu Fascism, The treachery of Brahmins & the related complete package of words.
Let us now move to our analysis:
– Made us wonder if these Indian academicians had any inkling of thought on how their talk and action will impact on the Image of India in western academic world. Its too early to say if academicians of other nations like Europe, Arabic, Chinese who practice in Toronto university, get equally excited to bad mouth the educational practices of their respective nations,
– The excitement of these IA’s to self bash Indian image seems to fit into the narrative of Indian history. Indian history is complete with examples of how people aided invaders / Aliens to quench their little bubbles of thirst,
– From their tone it sounded that since their ancestors were “denied” educational privileges by Brahmins in India, these IA’s are teaming up with White academicians to deny the platform of education to Indian students by classifying NA Indian students into Upper and lower castes,
– It was a bit humorous that the IA’s here were seeking justice on their story of educational persecution in India, at the doors of those whose minds echo the thought process of Mr. Macaulay.
– The central theme seems to replace Brahmanical supremacy in Education at IIT Chennai and replace it Christian supremacy. Those Indian Christian academicians of Chennai could be shadow controlled by western white academician
Conclusion: I did a video on “Brahmin hate entertainment “in Tamil Cinema last year.
Out of 400 + comments, a cool 300 were abuses. Those abuses were by lay men of Tamilnadu who were blinded by hate against Brahmins. What was interesting was that the content of those abuses were in sync with the language used by the Academicians in this zoom meet. But to their credit, delivery and was different. Those from the streets of Chennai who indulged in such abuses are called “Poralis”. We can safely dub these IA’s as Academic Poralis.
Also noticed a deep sense of hurt in them. They feel perhaps their pain has not been acknowledged by Brahmins.Perhaps that hurt has to be addressed. The hurt that is currently being nurtured by India “friendly” forces. The term Brahmin must have been used at-least 50 times in the meet. Wonder what is their almost fatalistic obsession with Brahmins. This seems to be a challenge to their intellect. This coming from Academicians of Harvard & Toronto University? जन्मना जायते शुद्र: संस्कारात् द्विज् उच्यते|
There was a time when words like Harvard and Toronto University were hallowed for their quality of excellence, but this one was a disappointment. There was little of academics in tone, tenor, or analytical substance. In my 30 years of experience in discussions in India, USA & Canada, had such quality conversations with professors of various disciplines and I know what quality discussion is. One can notice a element of class and dignity emanating from the deep communication with knowledge, when one chats with a true academician.
However very little of that was observed in these Porali IA’s. This zoom meet was pure hate, Brahmin hate, given a coating of academic activity. While the front end was a totally Brown affair, thanks was duly expressed by the IA’s to mission chief Christoph Emmrich in absentia.
For those north Indians who dismiss this as a south Indian thing, please remember that South India is a testing laboratory for western experiments, that are backed by academic evangelical mindset. Once the outcome is evaluated, an appropriate strategy will be formulated for implementation in other IIT’s of India.
The irony of this meet can explained with a example. In 2015 Iran organized a conference in Tehran on the subject of “police brutality in USA. 20 “academicians” from USA flew to that conference. That is Academic activity with a political agenda! (
We predict that the kind of academic activity this zoom meet did, is designed to trigger and cause strife on the streets where the end victims are poor and innocent of India.
Caste as a Academic activity : Toronto
Post On:January 10, 2021
This seems to be a favorite subject of interest of Toronto University. This time they are trying to connect Caste of India and Race of & as practiced by western colonial powers. You can notice a interesting trend. The academic white mind at UT, seems eager to paste its colonial white guilt on Indian upper caste by equating its own atrocities on race with Upper caste atrocities in India. Perhaps it feels it can absolves itself of its atrocious past. While that can be a exercise in activity we are not sure if it qualifies as academic activity.The atrocities of caste in India, pales in comparison to atrocities by Race done by colonial minds. For Information of the academicians of University of Toronto, The Hindu mind never demonstrated colonial ambitions or actions! We at Dwarapalakas are sure that they are academic enough to comprehend this!
Challenging quality of Higher education in India
Post On:January 6, 2021
Another conference by Munk school Toronto. On face of it, it sounds laudable, but the key objective seems to rob Higher education in India of its excellence, but introducing caste blended with social equality. Caste is a favorite subject for western academicians with many Indian academicians working along with them. The concern here is most western interventions are designed to weak Indian progress.
Conference on study of Religions: Chennai
Post On:January 6, 2021
Kindly study above content. The conference was cancelled due to public protests in India. We spoke with the University of Toronto on this issue and questioned the disruptive characteristic of such a conference.Our correspondence went back and forth and it remains inconclusive.
Munk School of Global Affairs
Post On:September 21, 2020
Mr.Ramachandra Guha is a regular. He regales western academics with his version of India. Not sure if western academics demand that of him or he offers it voluntarily. Like L.K.Advani of BJP address to Indian media during the emergency rule of Mrs.Indira Gandhi, “You were asked only to bend, but you crawled”. This time the topic was, “Four fault lines of Indian Republic”
Our team presented a brief video report on his presentation.
Christoph Emmrich, Associate professor was there. He seems to “love” things India. One interesting observation was the presence of Mr.Haroon Siddique of Toronto star. He hugged Mr. Guha like long lost friends. To the best of our knowledge Mr.Haroon has not demonstrated any favorable news reports about India. Wonder what is common between these two “friends”?
On return to India, Mr.Guha was quite vehement on his anti CAA protests, but when police man-handled him at Bangalore, he switched loyalty and blamed Gandhi dynasty at a meet in Trivandrum. True being a chameleon!
There was a silent consensus at Dwarapalakas, that this police detaining was an arrangement to win him more admirers in the west! And the Joke was perhaps Mr.Guha could qualify as the 5th fault line!
University of Toronto
Post On:April 25, 2019
Christian Lee Novetzke is a College of Arts and Sciences Term Professor in the South Asia Program, the Comparative Religion Program, and the International Studies Program at the University of Washington’s Jackson School of International Studies
Christoph Emmrich (PhD University of Heidelberg, 2004) is a associate professor at University of Toronto, Department for study of Religion.
Sunila S.Kale is Associate professor, at University of Washington’s Jackson School of International Studies.
Washington choose Toronto to present a discussion on their forthcoming book as above. We at Dwarapalakas exchanged a series of letters with all three above and this is our summary,
” There is no doubt that there is a fascination about Hindu studies given the rich legacy of texts. There also seems to be a strong desire to provide a new interpretation of ancient Hindu texts. This meet in our opinion sounded like a testing session. To evaluate public response to their initiative.”
When we raised a few queries, they sounded not equipped to answer our queries. Further the book release was cancelled.
We at Dwarapalakas felt amused that the 56 Inch chest of the Prime Minister of India, Shri Modi was discussed at the meet. Quite academic.
In our email with Prof Christian Lee Novetzke he promised us to meet Dwarapalaka team on his next visit, over “Chai and chercha” .