

The Dialogue

Media / Legislation

CBC – Ombudsman Ruling – Ayodhya

Post On:November 16, 2024

It took years, but there is evidence that fair-play is still in vogue in Canada.

Ruling of CBC ombudsman on our complaint against CBC on reporting about Ayodhya.

This was one of the many mails we sent to CBC on bias against Hindus.

A sample of comments from its reporting

This is the most blatant example of bias reporting as can be and lives up to the low standards of CBC. The people that were killed were mostly Hindus. So what is the real agenda of the CBC. Why is Canada meddling into Indian politics? They do not like it when other countries come to their soils for exactly what they keep stirring!

No Hindu opinion on Hindu Topic

Post On:October 20, 2024

That was our letter to CBC and to multiple other media outlets of Canada!

Mail to CBC Editor

Post On:October 3, 2024

Dear Brodie Fenlon,

We are not strangers to each other nor is the subject new. Its CBC’s portrayal of Hindus. Your content demonstrates a systemic bias against the Hindu community, which is deeply troubling. https://dwarapalakas.ca/legislation/

This mail is prompted by a recent article by your journalist, Ms. Salimah Shivji, which claims that 100 mosques are targeted for destruction: https://dwarapalakas.ca/100s-of-them-ms-salimah-shivji/ We find this information to be potentially inaccurate and would appreciate your clarification on this matter.

If you are unable to substantiate this claim with evidence, we will need to address the issue of misinformation being disseminated by CBC, which could have serious implications for public trust and community relations. In the absence of evidence to substantiate that reporting, its a serious reality of CBC sponsoring hatred. We look forward to your prompt response to clarify this matter.

We are limiting this email to a specific single request, “Could you please provide us with the list of the 100 mosques mentioned in the report?”


Gopala Krishna

A copy of this mail is being sent to, CBC: Ombudsman : Indian High commission: Heritage Ministry: Commission on Foreign interference| Toronto Police hate crime Unit: & BCC to various Canadian community Orgs / officials:

100’s of them Ms.Salimah Shivji?

Post On:October 2, 2024

cbc false reporting

This Muslim Journalist of CBC reporting on India says, hundreds of mosques are being targeted. We request this lovely young lady to provide us that list of 100. This is simple and clean false reporting. Thanks CBC for promoting hatred.

Threat of Rape & Violence!

Post On:September 22, 2024

Heritage Ministry
Govt of Ontario,

Though dated, is still relevant as the article and names are online. And I believe your ministry was referenced in this news article.

While I do not have issue either with the news or the analysis, nor do I condone violence in any way. But wish to have your clarification in particular to this segment,

The statement per-se seems a response to the statement by Global affairs, but since it’s mentioned in an article implicating Hindus with violence, it gives an impression to the reader that your office released it in support of the narrative of that article. The narrative implied by CBC article is that it was Canadian Hindu organizations that issued those mysterious threats. I do understand that Laura Scaffidi has been replaced by a new appointee. Since the ministry was referenced, kindly clarify the following,

1- Was the response by Laura Scaffidi, in reference to Hindus of Canada?
2- Was proof of any nature, presented by CBC staff to your office of threats issued by Canadian Hindus to fellow Canadians?

CBC has had a history of 2nd type of gas lighting, that is “manipulation of reality” thereby presenting Canadian Hindus as antagonistic, hostile and violent people. We are having an enduring battle with CBC on their bias against Canadian Hindus. They have resorted to erasing evidence as well.

I am sorry it took me so long to write to you, as I am still in the process of recovering from the emotional trauma caused by multi- pronged hate attacks executed by CBC. Trust it’s not unrealistic to expect maturity & balance in reporting by CBC & from one of the best countries of the world. Yellow journalism targeting Hindus negatively affects all segments of Canadian Hindus, Men, Seniors, Women & Children in more ways than people are aware of. Canadian Hindus are all highly educated and came to this country for career and share the Canadian values of Safety / Peace, Respect for other cultures and being polite. They are working to put behind historical trauma and blend the best of Hindu with Canadian practices. This repetitive nature of false reporting by CBC is not fair to them. Hence requesting the clarification from your office.

May I expect your office to respond to 1 & 2.

Thank you


Gopala Krishna

CBC loves to depict Hindus as violent!

Post On:September 22, 2024

After lot of research CBC finally gets this. And it brings in a Muslim voice & Christian voice to identify and decipher Hindu scriptures! It ignores the Canadian Hindu voice and picks up Indian Hindus who are not aware of the ways of CBC. It takes their voice and presents it in such a way that their voice goes against their own interests. Clever or should we say dishonest journalism by CBC.

CBC & Hinduism

This was CBC link to the report: will not be surprised if they delete it as a measure to erase evidence against them.

Not a word about violence against Hindus!

Post On:August 31, 2024

CBC: The first Presstitute of Canada

Post On:March 20, 2024

I had a 40 minute interview on this subject with CBC at their studio and they totally did not telecast any of it. I have answered many questions on this subject. wonder why they are are curious to erase the Hindu side of story and amplify Muslim pain? What could be their objectives here?

CBC complaint to Ombudsman

Post On:March 15, 2024

Dear Ombudsman,

I draw your attention to this report by CBC https://youtu.be/A7XOd5fzigE?si=1hWfGU58GBicek11

As Mr.Ronald Reagan the former US president said it soo graciously, ” it was economical on truth”
That report had 493 comments and almost all pointed out the inaccuracy in the report,

How would you as Ombudsman respond to the “repeat offender – deliberate biased reporting by CBC”
This is within the time limitation as set out by your previous email.

On hearing back from you will plan our next response!


Gopala Krishna

Privilege of being Tait!

Post On:February 9, 2024

On the face and be rewarded with executive bonuses! Appalling levels of indifference to truth! We are beginning to the trend of corruption in Polity. There is so much evidence against CBC and its a tribute to their skills that they get away with it. True to the meaning of its noun form, be happy even when inflicting pain on others!

The audacity of Love – CBC

Post On:February 2, 2024

In spite of 500 k + Hindus, in Canada and tens of Activist groups, CBC continues its Anti Hindu reporting.

Letter to Public Editor – Toronto Star

Post On:January 24, 2024

Copied to Toronto Police, Toronto Human Rights, Hindu community leaders.

Hi Donovan Vincent & Bruce Campion-Smith,

Are you guys under pressure to publish news that defames Hindus to keep Canada Muslims in good cheer? Do you need that crutch to validate yourselves in your own country? “God keep our land glorious and free!” Are you not contend with current strife on streets on Toronto between Jews & Muslims? Would you want to open a new trouble on the resources of Toronto police by inciting Muslims against Hindus?

Why would you publish news that is partial in nature, misleading in purpose with potential to create strife?

Unblemished love by Toronto Star

Forget your lack of motivation to join the celebrations of a Billion Hindus worldwide, yet U want to use this joyous occasion to dampen their spirits? You want to interject your masqueraded pique against Hindus by reports that have the net effect of instigating Muslims against Hindus of Canada? Is it your motive to trigger extra work for TPS offices including hate crime unit by generating strife between Muslims & Hindus? And would you again take the cover of wire reports, & lofty ideals like Freedom of Press to cover up your avarice for reach?

If you are under the impression that Muslim sentiment is your idea of representation of Brown voice, then perhaps its time for course correction in your grey cells. Are you able to perceive the significance of the difference between 7/11 & 9/11? Our honorable PM Mr.JD, was epitome of free speech until the truckers protest hit his street!

Have your ever introspected your this love for Canadian Hindus? This is the 2nd hit job on Hindus by your newspaper in less than a month! Is a peaceful community bother to you? Is that the reason for you to dismiss Hindu sentiments? And then why would you want to mock Mr.Atkinson? I do not want to disrespect your intellect by making any requests here. You guys know what to do!

Check this religious freedom in India guys!!

Unblemished love by Toronto Star

Post On:January 23, 2024

Wonder the motivation of Toronto star love to Hindus. Looks like they want to trigger Muslims Anger towards Canadian Hindus!

Western Media and its love

Post On:January 22, 2024

With their own internal problems going out of hand, these pusillanimous media giants find shelter to their defunct courage on Peaceful India & Hindus.

This is the picture and emotion from Ayodhya that western media want to dismiss? How much should we love their contempt for Hindus?

CBC & Salimah Shivji

Post On:January 22, 2024

What is CBC if does not indulge in anti Hindu reporting?

We are re-posting our comment here, as pretty sure CBC will delete our comment there..

Check CBC love for Hindus video here

In an earlier issue the Federation of Hindu Temples of Canada, said this,

Its leadership bit the panic bug and closed the case when resolution was around the corner by the work of our team. When Hindu leadership of Canada gives out signals of being weak, how can one expect anyone to treat Hindu opinion with respect?

Unpublished – Opinion

Post On:January 15, 2024

Toronto Star wrote a opinion piece about Hindutva. Our response to that was somehow not published. We re-produce our response below,

The emerging trend of Canadian academicians authoring phobic articles that have minimalistic research and WMD type propagandist in nature must be opposed by all Canadians.

Earlier in Dec 2023, the presidents of Harvard, MIT and University of Pennsylvania on Tuesday had to appear before the US House education committee to discuss their controversial and biased positions on sensitive political issues.

And Elon Musk intervened too. If Harvard was Twitter; he would have fired President of Harvard, Claudine Gay! This is so relevant to Canada as we are witnessing the emergence of biased academics at Universities of Canada. To explain in context lets switch to France. 100 French academicians wrote an open letter in Le Monde in 2020, and one part said, “antisemitic witch-hunts against so-called ‘Cultural Marxists’ that portrayed Jewish intellectuals as enemies of the state. Today’s enemies are Muslims, political antiracists, and decolonial thinkers…”

Currently in Canada, it seems to be the turn of Hindus to be the new enemies. The article by Mr.M.V.Ramana & Harsh Walia itself demonstrates anthropophobia against Hindus. Let’s prove it,
A)Accusing Hindus without the PMO of Canada providing evidence
B)Denying rights to make inroads into Canada.
C)No academician has received death threats from Canadian Hindus
D)BC – Human rights caste issue is non-Hindu. Then why smear us?
E)Subliminally linking Muslim killings in Canada to Hindus

In addition, personal details of Hindu advocacy leaders have been published online to intimidate. It adds to the definition of Phobia and validates the need for a Hinduphobia bill. 4 The new enemy, AKA Hindus of Canada, must be given villainous characteristics. Topping that list is the “Caste tool” that is an inexhaustible mortar fire ammunition. Followed by,
1-Discrimination on Dalits
2-Genocide against Muslims
3-Denying Khalistan.
4-Persecute Christians & the latest addition,
5-Oppress Adivasis (aka Indigenous people)

Hence Canadian Hindus must bear the brunt of the above 5 in any article / TV report. The goal seems to pit Hindus against every other community on earth. With that shared goal, sprouted the team up of Un-equal alliances. Engaging Hindus seem to entertain, fund, & nourish their sense of machoism.

While Canada barely has 200 Hindu temples, let’s talk the other numbers!
World Muslim population is 1.8 Billion and they have 3.6 million mosques of which 600 K + are in India. While the world ratio population to Mosques is 1 mosque for each 500 muslims its 1 mosque for each 35 muslims in India. India’s 27 million christians have 28278 churches while Canada’s 19.2 million christians have 7411 churches. India beats Canada 1 church for every 1000 christians to Canada’s 1 church for every 2563 christians.

Don’t the numbers prove that India offers unfettered freedom to minorities operate in India? In fact, this “reverse racism” card is used as a tool to bully Hindus into securing access to resources including land, Govt funding, & jobs” White Canada is no stranger to it & continues to yield space.

A study of Indian politics of 75 years will reveal the simple truth. Fact suppression, suffocation of Hindu opinion & torrent of allegations against Hindus are the reasons for push back & assertion of Hindu identity. If those factors are replicated here, that can only welcome Canadian Hindus further towards what the authors call as Hindutva, and we call as H-Hubs!

Meanwhile we read reports about Academic de-funding.
Harvard: Ken Griffen-300 mil / Iden Ofer-20 mil/ Larry Ellison-115 mil
UPenn: John Huntsman Jr 50 Mil & Mark Rowen 50 mil

CNN, Fareed Zakaria, says that “America is losing its faith in Universities”, “ Pursuing political agendas instead of excellence”, “Goals are political and social engineering and not merit”!

Academics of Canada should not be lending their names to articles that triggers hate against Hindus! Humanities, History, Anthropology, Political sciences & Religion! Micro-aggression on students by an agenda driven faculty needs to be studied! MV Ramana Bio mentions nuclear studies. He is generation behind to achieve fusion on this subject. Pun Intended! The threats of academic authoritarianism should not be discounted in Canada!

Global News Gas lighting Hindus

Post On:December 7, 2023

What link to that letter produced? Its gas lighting against Hindus. You think Hindus are that dumb to send a extortion letter with the words “Jai shree Ram” ? Its sad that Canadian media is a victim of propaganda against Hindus. I thought CBC was the only victim. Now its Global news too! This Punjabi “journalist” reports that these letters are sent to Chinese and white businesses. Basically trying to turn them against Hindus. And Lawrence Bishnoi is not a Hindu gangster. The letter shown in the opening of video is obviously fake. Hindus have a clean record in Canada and that is just too much to tolerate for “journalists” like this person! Forget extortion Hindus would not even claim a donation under the banner of “Jai Shree Ram”. The ignorance of white journalists is being taken advantage of by such dishonest Journalists. And a strange similarity, Like CBC uses oriental journalists to target Hindus, is Global news doing the same with the help of Angela Jung? Link to Global News Video

CBC’s love for Hindu Bashing

Post On:August 6, 2023

The synopsis above presents a overview of how CBC keeps the flame of Hindu Bashing alive. In their idea of reporting, an average Hindu is a demonic person who not only has to be tarnished in the most sinister manner but also denied a opportunity to have his say!

CBC – The Myopia continues

Post On:July 31, 2022

To Brodie Fenlon,Greag Reaume, Derek Stoffel, Ombudsman & Nancy Waugh
Ref 1: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/caste-india-canada-students-1.6450484
Ref 2: https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/leena-manimekalai-kaali-film-poster-hindu-right-1.6519758
Ref 3: 1) Gurpreet Singh 2) Chinnaiah Jangam 3) Meera Estrada 4) Sailaja Krishnamurti & Jagruti Bhatt, 5) Laura Scaffidi, 6) Arti Dhand, 7) Chandrima Chakraborty
Both articles have succeeded in presenting not so favorable picture of Hindus. I am not writing here to ask you to present a favorable stories on the subject of Hinduism and India. You have your prerogative to decide on what you report. The concern here is the missing Hindu perspective. In our two years of communication we discussed extensively on the need of a Hindu perspective, meaning presenting both sides of a story!! The words of your former Editor in chief in his letter to us that you all (except Ms.Nancy Waugh) were privy to was, ” We hear you and all CBC editors are being sensitized to Hindu concerns and perspective”
But in both the references above, when the subject is about Hindus, Caste, Hindu goddesses, & Hindu religion why did your reporters failed to take a authentic Hindu perspective?
For two full years your top management team has assured us that you acknowledge the “missing Hindu perspective” in CBC reporting and it will be corrected. In fact in a zoom meet with you all (except Nancy Waugh) you promised that “Hindu concerns have been heard” and all editors of CBC will be alerted to it. The above two reports that followed does not have the Hindu perspective. Clearly you have back tracked on your assurances.
In both the above referenced articles, the bare bones research and laid back reporting of your journalists, have presented enough evidence to us to challenge you to a defensive position on the above two articles. (now do not resort to erasing evidence as you did with earlier on the radio posts maligning Hindus, when cornered! https://dwarapalakas.ca/erasing-evidence-at-cbc/) We will write to you separately challenging you on the above two articles later.
But for now Kindly provide evidence that CBC editors across all formats, TV, Radio, Print, & Social media wings of CBC have gone through “sensitivity training on Hindu the missing Hindu perspective in CBC”

Gopala krishna

Toronto star & its love for GTA Hindus

Post On:April 9, 2022

Good Day and kindly refer to this article link

Please refer to this section of her reporting,
kashmir files

We invite you to review this article that answers that question.


Fyi there are multiple reports that confirm that Jawaharlal Nehru University is a gravy train for many a politically motivated student. Many a student pay less than 10 $ per month that includes food and lodging. That free boarding provides a platform for STUDENT political activism for decades. The question to Toronto star, is how can it let its Journalists to publish articles without basic research? Now should we go into what kind of research went into her awards?

Why would your journalist indulge in such perilous writing? We question her motivation to slur Hindus on a sensitive subject like this. Is she under the impression that Indians in GTA are illiterate or perhaps no one would scrutiny her work? Want to ask you if you report both sides of any story. Does your Journalistic standards include terms like unbiased and both sides of a story? Challenge me by providing references to that effect on stories about India / Hindus.

The fact that your reporter Shree Paradkar was insensitive to the Killings of Hindus in Kashmir was well, insensitive on her part. But perhaps to give her the benefit of doubt, I see that she is a young journalist and is yet to understand the depth of pain behind this article she wrote. Makes me raise the natural question, Are you free newspaper that has the liberty to speak the truth? Or are you tied down by factors that restrict your scope of writing?

If I ask you to take into the Hindu perspective on any reporting that involves Hindus will that offend you? Would you hesitate to take the initiative to reach out to us for a factual response, free of bias or emotion?
For now kindly let me know how you intend to cover this biased report that generates Hindu Phobia in GTA!!

Erasing evidence at CBC!

Post On:February 26, 2022

In Feb 2021, we wrote to CBC on biased reporting against Hindus of Canada, and presented the following 4 instances of reporting as evidence.


Why would CBC delete all those links? Its a 404 Now. surely points out to erasing evidence of their bias against Hindus?

Complaint filed with CRTC

Post On:February 1, 2022

crtc 3

crtc 2

crtc 1

Building Support – The battle continues..

Post On:December 27, 2021

We thank the federation of Hindu temples of Canada in our quest for fair journalism in Canada. The president of Hindu federation Shri Roopnauth Sharma demonstrated the finest of Dharma traditions in wording the letter in a most Dharmic manner. Let’s wait for the response of CBC!

federation support

Video meet with CBC leadership

Post On:October 2, 2021

Hindu concerns have been acknowledged by CBC in a video meet, but not resolved yet!!


Letter to Globe & Mail

Post On:June 15, 2021

This letter was sent out to all publicly listed Journalists of Globe & Mail

We introduce ourselves a Hindu advocacy, not for Profit organization in Canada. We take pride in representing a community that despite negative image, have demonstrated nonviolent, peaceful, and assimilating nature. We believe that is the language of civility.

We are writing to you regarding a series of reporting by Globe & Mail since 2013 and it continues to this day. We are referring to Ms. Stephanie Nolen. Her “breaking caste” series clearly sounds like a tacit support for evangelical driven journalistic agenda. In one of her articles, she came up with this fascinating line, “That evangelists help India to work for righteous anger”. May we ask, as to what would the act of triggering anger on the soil of another country be called? However, camouflaged it is, it is encouraging violence and the goal seems to be achieved as we are seeing that violence in the minds of born again’s of India on the streets of India.

Her route to journalistic glory is the “welfare of Dalits”. She highlights the issues of Dalits and connects their “troubles” to the most popular socio-religio-political currency in nailing Hindus of India “caste”!! And proceeds to deliver the blame on Hindu religion, while ignoring the British or Portuguese History that played a huge role in perpetuating it. And her solution for their troubles is embracing evangelistic targets.

India has been groaning and barely recovering from 300 years of British and Portuguese. History surely tells that they did not work in the best interests of India. They actively worked to undermine the educational and social structure of the country. Despite that, Indian intellect has self nourished itself and we see highly educated, hard working and intelligent Hindus, the best of whom Canada has welcomed.

Ms.Nolen, with a few strokes of her pen has put the entire Hindu religion under scanner. This has negatively impacted the perception of Hindus of Canada. We did not immigrate to nations that have a poor record of Journalistic ethics. We came to Canada for the sense of fairness that this great nation offers. And for Stephanie Nolen,to bring that politics of negativity to our doorsteps in Canada and mask it under the guise of Journalistic achievement is appalling.

That has impacted Hindus of Canada, quite bad. It took us 7 years for us to come out of that trauma to pen this letter. With help from experts and extensive internal discipline, we are now successful in writing this letter without falling to her trap of “triggering righteous anger” On a corollary note, we can say that with a baggage of residential schools and injustice towards natives of Canada, she does not get to preach to India or Hindus. White saviour ship cannot be an escape from that baggage.

Your website does not seem to have an ethics dept or ombudsman we can write to. Hence compelled to send this to all contacts at Globe and Mail. Requesting the receivers of this mail to forward it to the right person. We do believe that despite Ms. Nolen there are still souls in Globe and mail, who believe in fairness and inclusive reporting. It is only fair that we expect the good souls to respond. This anomaly created by her on your pages should be balanced out. It’s been a wound for too long.

Otherwise, we do believe that she is fine person, hard working and intelligent.

CBC- Generating good faith on Indians?

Post On:April 12, 2021

By Dwarapalaka Team:
This was the title and reporting by CBC. The author linked the rise in covid cases of Maharastra and Kerala to the Hindu festival of Kumbh mela happening in a totally different state of India, UP.
cbc india covid
Now let us study its impact on the readers minds,
cbc covid 4
cbc covid 2
This was our mail to CBC
Looks like your new appointee based at Mumbai has started her “job” and our previous concerns to selective reportage by CBC are mounting.
If CBC or their associates followed the events in India since Covid-19 started, they would know the mass gatherings of Tablighi Jamaat who were officially linked to more than 80% of the corona cases at one time, Farmers protests (ongoing for months), election rallies and countless other occasions where crowds gathered. However, CBC chose to report one event linked to a Hindu Festival, Kumbh Mela. Why CBC is selectively attacking Hinduism? To link all ills of India to its faith? If reporting about violations of Covid rules is the goal why only Kumbh Mela? Please clarify the intent here?
Your reporting is guilty of creating a negative image of Hindus and Indians in Canada. Its no longer a passable joke. Been observing CBC for 17 years. There is a need for a radical change in the thinking when it comes to reporting about Hindus.

CBC misreporting with Public funding

Post On:March 24, 2021

This was the first of our many correspondence with CBC

We refer to your article and its update on CBC FB post as re-produced below.
We have received a e-acknowledgement to the complaint we sent to you from your website on this. (enclosed below) As we have not received any further response from you we are sending this 2nd letter.
We wish to file a formal complaint on the following aspects of your article
1- The news bits inserted into the article was not done with journalistic fairness
2- It presents a incorrect and one -sided aspect of the story, that needs authentication
3- It was not written keeping in mind the pluralistic nature of Canadian society
Initial reports tell us that the above report has caused considerable anger with the Hindu community. We are initiating reach out to Hindus of Canada on this report to further assess their response. There is unanimity your article insinuates both character & Culture of Hindus. That article propagates the theory that the onus of responsibility for Violence in Delhi rests on Hindu shoulders only. That speaks of bias, condescending approach and absence of research on the sensitive subject. Your FB page has 2.3 Million likes. You have effectively promoted Hindu Phobia in that many likely minds. It negatively impacts Hindu adults at workplaces and Kids at schools. That is a serious violation of Hindu rights. Canadian Hindus are taxpayers and good Citizens. We draw your attention to “Respect and Absence of Prejudice” section in your Journalistic Standards and Practices page.
Before initiating the process of a formal re-course, we wish to enquire,
1- Source of news, with the religion / names of journalists who penned that article.
2- Was CBC misled into publishing that article or was it a deliberate job with hidden agenda?
3- Do you have a vetting process before news is published
4- Do you have a experts team who authorize publications to ensure that news is fair and in sync with high values of democratic processes that makes nations like Canada named as developed?

Our contact info is enclosed for you to reach to us to discuss the above sensitive journalistic breach.

In correspondence with CBC

Post On:January 7, 2021

cbc jan

For some mysterious reason CBC seems to have succumbed to the victim card and on reporting about India hardly presents any Hindu angle. It ongoing.

Biased reporting by CTV?

Post On:October 14, 2020

This was reported this time by CTV..
ctv news
It was sourced from Agence France-Presse’s network. They pride on having 201 bureaus covers 151 countries, with 80 nationalities represented among its 2,400 collaborators. AFP is a global news agency delivering in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, economics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. The Agency operates regional hubs in five geographical zones: Africa, North America, Latin America, Asia, Middle East.
This was our mail to AFP
afp ctv news
This was our mail 1 to CTV
This was our mail 2 to CTV

Mail to Global News

Post On:April 4, 2020

Please refer to this article in Global News Canada which is self explanatory,

Faith in isolation: How Canadians are praying during the coronavirus pandemic

This is our mail to Ms. Meghan Collie who wrote the above article,

Hi Meghan Collie,

A timely article. We notice that Hindu faith has been missed in your report. There are approximately 188 Hindu Temples of Canada. Hindus are over 1/2 a million in strength and have reputation of Honest taxpayers & Citizens. It’s a fair request that the Hindus story also be part of an inclusive Canada in news coverage.

I guess your reporting is nation wide but if have a specific geographical area of reporting we can connect you to the Hindu temple of your choice. Hindu temples of Canada have initiated various reach out programmes to devotees on Covid.

The managements of many Hindu temples are highly educated. They would you be able to provide you the required inputs for your next article on how the Hindu faith is responding to the Covid crises.

If Corona does not discriminate in its task, why would you do so? Trust you would receive this mail with the sense of anguish its written with.

Best Wishes
The Dialogue Team

Mail to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Post On:March 9, 2020


We refer to your article and its update on CBC FB post as re-produced below. We have received a e-acknowledgement to the complaint we sent to you from your website on this subject. (enclosed below) As we have not received any further response from you we are sending this 2nd letter.

We wish to file a formal complaint on the following aspects of your article
1-The news bits inserted into the article was not done with journalistic fairness
2-It presents a incorrect and one -sided aspect of the story, that needs authentication
3-It was not written keeping in mind the pluralistic nature of Canadian society

Initial reports tell us that the above report has caused considerable anger with the Hindu community. We are initiating reach out to Hindus of Canada on this report to further assess their response. There is unanimity your article insinuates both character & Culture of Hindus. That article propagates the theory that the onus of responsibility for Violence in Delhi rests on Hindu shoulders only. That speaks of bias, condescending approach and absence of research on the sensitive subject.

Your FB page has 2.3 Million likes. You have effectively promoted Hindu Phobia in that many likely minds. It impacts Hindu adults at workplaces and Kids at schools. That is a serious violation of Hindu rights. Canadian Hindus are taxpayers and good Citizens. We draw your attention to “Respect and Absence of Prejudice” section in your Journalistic Standards and Practices page.

Before initiating the process of formal re-course, we wish to enquire,
1- Source of news, with the names of journalists who penned that article.
2- Was CBC misled into publishing that article or was it a deliberate?
3- Do you have a vetting process before news is published
4- Do you have a experts team who authorize publications to ensure that news is fair and in sync with high values of democratic processes that makes nations like Canada named as developed?

Our contact info is enclosed for you to reach to us to discuss the article & recourse.
Best Wishes
The Dialogue Team

Letter to Canadian Broadcasting corporation

Post On:August 20, 2016

Hubert T. Lacroix
CEO – CBC – Canada,
Respected Mr. Hubert Lacroix,
We bring to your attention concern’s pertaining to CBC reporting on India. We quote the following programmes
– India Reborn
– India’s Daughter &
– The most recent one on the “rebel “attack in Assam
Three concerns:
1- Reporting has been with an objective to sully India’s image in Canada
2- Reporting does not represent the majority of India
3- Reporting does not take into factor stories from all sides to a story
Indian news channels almost always portray Canada in good light on all Telecasts in India. It’s simply not soo Canadian that CBC is doing the opposite! To elucidate our concern we conjure a scenario, “Our team can record The Vancouver drug problem and give it a national broadcast in India” Would that be a fair representation of Canada? We do not think so, but CBC is resorting to that kind of reporting when it comes to India. Goes in search of problems and magnifies it many folds.
You would acknowledge that CBC has very limited access to countries like China. India offers a democratic set up and greater access. People of Indian origin residing in Canada feel that access is being misused each time such reporting appears on TV/Print & Radio medium of CBC.
To the best of our knowledge Indians do not come to Canada with welfare on their minds. They work hard, if necessary go to college again, pay fees from their part-time jobs, graduate, pay for their mortgages and contribute significantly to the tax revenue of Canada.

It is only fair that we ask CBC to respect the sentiments of India and Indians living in Canada. We hope that CBC would factor this in while reporting about India in future.
If you wish us to provide micro details of our concerns we can send you the compiled reports.
Kind Regards
Gopala R.Krishna
Copy to:
Minister of Culture: THE HONOURABLE MÉLANIE JOLY, Board of Directors CBC – Mr. Vishnu Prakash, The Indian High commissioner to India, Ottawa – Ministry of External affairs, Govt of India – Federation of Hindu Temples in Canada – Panorama India – Indo Canada chamber of Commerce.