Letter to Canadian Broadcasting corporation
Post On:August 20, 2016
Hubert T. Lacroix
CEO – CBC – Canada,
Respected Mr. Hubert Lacroix,
We bring to your attention concern’s pertaining to CBC reporting on India. We quote the following programmes
– India Reborn
– India’s Daughter &
– The most recent one on the “rebel “attack in Assam
Three concerns:
1- Reporting has been with an objective to sully India’s image in Canada
2- Reporting does not represent the majority of India
3- Reporting does not take into factor stories from all sides to a story
Indian news channels almost always portray Canada in good light on all Telecasts in India. It’s simply not soo Canadian that CBC is doing the opposite! To elucidate our concern we conjure a scenario, “Our team can record The Vancouver drug problem and give it a national broadcast in India” Would that be a fair representation of Canada? We do not think so, but CBC is resorting to that kind of reporting when it comes to India. Goes in search of problems and magnifies it many folds.
You would acknowledge that CBC has very limited access to countries like China. India offers a democratic set up and greater access. People of Indian origin residing in Canada feel that access is being misused each time such reporting appears on TV/Print & Radio medium of CBC.
To the best of our knowledge Indians do not come to Canada with welfare on their minds. They work hard, if necessary go to college again, pay fees from their part-time jobs, graduate, pay for their mortgages and contribute significantly to the tax revenue of Canada.
It is only fair that we ask CBC to respect the sentiments of India and Indians living in Canada. We hope that CBC would factor this in while reporting about India in future.
If you wish us to provide micro details of our concerns we can send you the compiled reports.
Kind Regards
Gopala R.Krishna
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Minister of Culture: THE HONOURABLE MÉLANIE JOLY, Board of Directors CBC – Mr. Vishnu Prakash, The Indian High commissioner to India, Ottawa – Ministry of External affairs, Govt of India – Federation of Hindu Temples in Canada – Panorama India – Indo Canada chamber of Commerce.