Sabotage by Hindu Federation
Post On:November 16, 2024
In 2021, Dwarapalakas shared a confidential letter to Mr.Roopnauth Sharma, of the Federation of Hindu Temples of Canada. Mr.Roopnauth went ahead and published it on their website without our consent. While that was a lesser act of deceit, his observations were damaging, (see in red circle). That destroyed our momentum. In spite of that our team trudged ahead. But made sure not to involve Federation.
Free of cowardice, we secured a modest victory. It does not stop here though. The battle ahead is long and perilous. Hence we urge the Temple leadership of Canada, to work with Hindu activists. They should stop easy panicking and bowing down to please those in power and position. The few Hindu temples that are indulging in corruption should restrain themselves from mortgaging Hindu self respect.