

The Dialogue

Media / Legislation

Threat of Rape & Violence!

Post On:September 22, 2024

Heritage Ministry
Govt of Ontario,

Though dated, is still relevant as the article and names are online. And I believe your ministry was referenced in this news article.

While I do not have issue either with the news or the analysis, nor do I condone violence in any way. But wish to have your clarification in particular to this segment,

The statement per-se seems a response to the statement by Global affairs, but since it’s mentioned in an article implicating Hindus with violence, it gives an impression to the reader that your office released it in support of the narrative of that article. The narrative implied by CBC article is that it was Canadian Hindu organizations that issued those mysterious threats. I do understand that Laura Scaffidi has been replaced by a new appointee. Since the ministry was referenced, kindly clarify the following,

1- Was the response by Laura Scaffidi, in reference to Hindus of Canada?
2- Was proof of any nature, presented by CBC staff to your office of threats issued by Canadian Hindus to fellow Canadians?

CBC has had a history of 2nd type of gas lighting, that is “manipulation of reality” thereby presenting Canadian Hindus as antagonistic, hostile and violent people. We are having an enduring battle with CBC on their bias against Canadian Hindus. They have resorted to erasing evidence as well.

I am sorry it took me so long to write to you, as I am still in the process of recovering from the emotional trauma caused by multi- pronged hate attacks executed by CBC. Trust it’s not unrealistic to expect maturity & balance in reporting by CBC & from one of the best countries of the world. Yellow journalism targeting Hindus negatively affects all segments of Canadian Hindus, Men, Seniors, Women & Children in more ways than people are aware of. Canadian Hindus are all highly educated and came to this country for career and share the Canadian values of Safety / Peace, Respect for other cultures and being polite. They are working to put behind historical trauma and blend the best of Hindu with Canadian practices. This repetitive nature of false reporting by CBC is not fair to them. Hence requesting the clarification from your office.

May I expect your office to respond to 1 & 2.

Thank you


Gopala Krishna