

The Dialogue

News / Blog

To Transport Ministry – Canada

Post On:November 21, 2024

Dear Transport Ministry,

Sub: Enhanced screening for Indians:

There are community concerns on the above new measure. 
Is it meant to protect Indians or harass them in light of recent India – Canada diplomatic issues? Hence we welcome you to share your response to the following questions.

1- What was the purpose of this enhanced screening?
2- What prompted this new measure? Have there been any specific security issues or concerns? 
3- What does this involve? Would Indians be harassed at Canadian airports? 
4- What additional rights are being given to security at airport?
5- What kind of questions should the Indian community be prepared for at the airport? 

We are quite perplexed at this selective screening measures targeting Indians and hence wish to understand your thinking better.

Dwarapalaka Team

Their auto reply,

Their action response: Not sure if it was connected to our email!
But why this screening and turnaround? Looks more like political decision rather than any logical or security concerns.