

The Dialogue


Corruption at Hindu Federation – Canada

Post On:January 14, 2024

(Art work commissioned by Dwarapalakas after careful consideration of his public actions)
Its with great pain we are compelled to report to the public about corruption at Federation of Temples of Canada. Made multiple attempts to reach out to the leadership of Mr.Roopnauth Sharma. Not only he closed the doors but challenged us to take the matter to the public. Hence bringing to your attention. Like a mix of politician, businessman, and half-priest he mixes things and either delays or avoids the multiple challenges facing the Hindu community of Canada. For example he plays either or combination of the below,
1) Brahmin Card,
2) West Indian Hindu card or
3) India politics card!

The federation website claims that they are the primary voice of Hindus. If that be so, what explains their actions with,

a) CBC issue
b) Kaali Poster issue,

There are multiple challenges facing Hindus and like a baby he “acts naive” on most of them but then has a healthy appetite on the privileges of Hindu identity! The primary area of corruption is the willingness to compromise on Hindu interests. The in-ability to stand up or put up a fight for Hindu interests, while stealing credit from other’s actions, is corruption of integrity. And that defeatist platform impacts the rest. Initiative’s taken by Hindu activists of Canada has been been vetoed by his parochial interests.His actions are not helping but actually causing harm to Hindus of Canada. Stay updated.