Kaali Poster & Role of Hindu Federation
Post On:March 19, 2023

19th Mar, 2023,
Attn of: Temples of Canada!
Academic Hindu Phobia is flourishing at select Universities of Canada. Following the screening of the movie Kaali a 2nd movie that has a theme of upper caste / lower caste division of Hindu gods was screened at UTT. The director of Kaali was the chief guest at the event.
Wish to bring to attention the involvement of Mr.Roopnauth representing the Hindu federation of Canada. He has assured the Hindu community of three things
1) That an apology was extracted from Aga Khan Museum
2) That an apology was extracted from Metropolitan university
3) That discussions were held to prevent such occurrences in future.
However, the screening of another film that is Hindu Phobic in nature at University of Toronto, challenges the assurances that the president of Hindu federation offered to us.
The president of Hindu federation demonstrated unusual haste in closing the Kaali 1 Case. We are not sure of his motivation in closing the case in such a hurry. A few questions arise,
1- What has been the nature of his discussions with the university?
2- Why has the Academica not taken his assurances to Hindus seriously?
3- What steps is he taking to prevent screening of such Hindu Phobic work?
Our work as a Hindu advocacy group stands nullified if he is signing oral agreements with the officials of Academia! Is this a casual thing that can be dismissed as just another screening? Do we see a pattern here? Should we be writing this? Should not the federation be leading this initiative as its your premises that house Kaali in various avataars. By such screening is not your leadership being challenged? Do you exert any moral or intellectual authority over the Canadian academia?
On the Manimegalai Kaali movie thing she secured a favourable ruling from the Supreme court of India at a remarkably short notice. You can notice how well connected and coordinated the actions are. Is the leadership of Hindu Federation under Mr.Roopnauth is even aware of the gravity and complexities of the issue? Is it in a position to assure us that Kaali-2 will not happen? Does he have the drive to do so?
Such screenings have a strong negative impact on the safety and security of Hindu students at academic institutions. If another such screening happens, it will be due to the laxity that Hindu federation is offering to such screening.