Pure Extracts – Branding issue
Post On:July 31, 2022
Pure Extract Technologies Corp.
7341 Industrial Way
Pemberton, BC, V0N 2K0,
Namaste! We are a Hindu Not for Profit, advocacy group based in Toronto and work to raise awareness and resolve conflicts.
we refer to this press release of yours, https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/05/05/2436875/0/en/Pure-Extracts-Provides-Q2-Corporate-Update.html
Below is the screen shot of the same.
Wish to ask you the source of that name? Before attributing any motives we wish to know if it was suggested to you by anyone? Do you know the meaning of that word? Are you aware of its religious implications? Do you follow religious/ political news? There was a similar naming episode in Toronto where it caused strife and trouble in the peace of society?
On hearing back from you will decide on next plan. At this stage we believe that its a honest error on your part.
Gopala Krishna