First attempt with govt – Learning curve
We got to know about the commission way beyond the deadline date. To its credit the commission did study the request and made a ruling. The fact that Canadian bureaucracy has demons...
Not a word about violence against Hindus!
TM.Krishna-Toronto-Sponsoring Hate
Letter to the Princ...
Pursuing a non existing Agenda
Dalits were not bought by ships into India, slaved with chains and punishment. They are native to India. The white types that slaved blacks are joining hands with modern voluntary b...
Encouraging Hatred – UTT
(Picture from
Posted on Categories Academia / Education
CBC: The first Presstitute of Canada
I had a 40 minute i...
CBC complaint to Ombudsman
Dear Ombudsman,
I draw your attention to this report by CBC
Caste is Bread & Butter for University of Toronto
Thousands of academicians in North America would be without a job if not for caste! They owe their careers and livelihood to caste. Hope they remain grateful. Posted on Categories Academia / EducationRouge Brahmin’s
For a "dakshina" many a Brahmin seem to be happy to "sell" his services, [video width="720" height="1280" mp4="