Peel Region attack on Hindu Temple
Unprecedented things happened Nov 3rd and 4th in Canada targeting Hindus. In an otherwise peaceful Canada, specific group of repeat offenders escalated things by resorting to physic...
To Transport Ministry – Canada
Dear Transport Ministry,
Sub: Enhanced screening for Indians:<...
Sabotage by Hindu Federation
In 2021, Dwarapalakas shared a confidential letter to Mr.Roopnauth Sharma, of the Federation of Hindu Temple...
CBC – Ombudsman Ruling – Ayodhya
It took years, but there is evidence that fair-play is still in vogue in Canada.
Posted on Categories Media / Legislation
Shri Vitthal Hindu Mandir – Canada
Letter sent to Dear Sameer Thakur of Vitthal Hindu Mandir - Mississauga
Shri Vitthal Hindu Mandir
5359 Timberlea Blvd,
Mississauga, ON L4W 4N5
Posted on Categories Dwarapalakas
University of Toronto – Strife
Why is strife in India a subject for UT, Centre for south Asian Critical Humanities? Is
Posted on Categories Academia / Education
Deepavali Greetings – Evangelical Style
An enterprising Christian educational institution in Andhra Pradesh India, decided to do some thing unique to harass Hindus on their festival day. Watch the video below
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Award to Indian Journalist Ms.Rana Ayyubb
Its quite gracious of powers to be to award this "reputed" journalist Ms.Rana Ayyubb. Her spirit of freedom, her sense of justice, her totally unbiased reporting style, all deserve ...
Toronto University: Gloomy Academicians
At first glance, this books gives out an impression that UT is doing something noble and good for Hindu studies. But take a closer look to reveal the true intent!
Posted on Categories Academia / Education